Top 10 Global Vulnerabilities – 7 July 2024

Jul 07, 2024

The Australian Risk Policy Institute (ARPI) as convenor of the Global Risk Policy Network (GRPN) announces the Top Ten Global Vulnerabilities in July 2024 identified through Strategic Risk Policy® foresight. ARPI’s Pillar of Policy Reason is that ‘Today, Risk is based in Vulnerability and concerned with Consequences.’ Vulnerability is defined as ‘Potentiality or Possibility of Strategic Risk.’ ARPI delivers contemporary thinking and approaches about risk to empower leaders to make informed and pre-emptive decisions, essential in today’s transformative and disruptive world. Strategic Risk Policy® is Risk 4.0. It enables anticipation and alerts hence awareness – in time to ‘protect against’ vulnerabilities, whilst also building resilience. An ARPI Principle differentiates vulnerability from risk: ‘Risk is the Consequence of the Conjunction of Vulnerability + Threat + Threat Actor.’ Understanding the difference is one of the world’s greatest policy challenges.’ ARPI proclaims that leadership paradigm change is needed from organisation-centric thinking and approaches to network-centric thinking and approaches because today, information resides in networks.
  1.  Consequence vector of interconnectedness and interdependence of Information Technology requires greater understanding and attention – the ‘Red Dragon’.
  2.  Need to understand and accept the urgency of achieving ‘Intelligence Equilibrium’ between Artificial Intelligence (AI) and matters outside AI which constitute ‘Intelligence Augmentation’ (IA).
  3. Radical political undercurrents operating internationally and nationally causing societal division, policy ambiguity, public chaos, crime unabated, abandoned governance, arguably to achieve State control based on misguided belief in a flawed ‘New World Order.’ The elephant in the global room.
  4.  Lack of strategic change leadership in society – skills, values, commitment, courage, resolve, presence and resilience to overcome multifarious challenges and undercurrents of destabilisation.
  5. Exponential, weaponised multi-media communications – creating social fear, health deterioration, disrespect even disregard for law and order, and short-termism.
  6. Delays in redressing global economic dominance resulting from failed Globalisation V1.
  7. Lack of culture change necessary to achieve ‘Redundant Resilience’ of critical global infrastructure.
  8. Difficulty in removing blockages to protect against the ‘Risk of Rapid Deterioration’ in society occurring anywhere, anytime, by any means, across the world.
  9. Present volatility, inadequacy and inconsistency of unified decision-making by the new ‘Convocation of Nations’ to achieve and maintain economic, military and social stability – and sustainability.
  10. Disrespecting lessons from history and misinterpreting science regarding ‘cause and effect’ of impactful changes in earth systems and mankind’s proven ability to overcome challenges.


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